
Welcome to the School Marketing Insider!

As suggested in yesterday's email, I've changed the name of my weekly newsletter from Cup of Coffee to the School Marketing Insider.

The name change and new branding were necessary because, while I'm still obsessed with coffee, the Cup of Coffee name didn't help explain the newsletter content, and as readership has grown, that lack of clarity was confusing for some people.

Going forward, many things will remain the same with regard to the newsletter:

  • I will publish it weekly on Monday morning.
  • I will include articles I've personally curated from the web that are worth your time and review.
  • It will remain free!

In addition to the name change and new branding, I will include more of my thoughts, ideas, and ramblings in the newsletter. I hope you find them educational or, at least, entertaining. 😀

Finally, can I ask a favor? If you have ever received value from my newsletter, would you mind giving me a text or video testimonial using this form here?

Thank you so much for being a subscriber, and here's to a wonderful 2023.


P.S. This is only the beginning of the changes to SchneiderB Media. Stay tuned...


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Thank You

Thank you to Andrea Prothro at Second Baptist School (TX) for making a referral this past week.

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